Authenticity: The evolution of this Texas mom to an Italian mamma

It happened. Actually, I think it happened a while back and I didn’t notice until just recently. Where do I begin?!?!…

Once you live somewhere for an extended period of time, you begin to pick up little habits and quirks. You don’t notice but your friends and family from “back home” do and they will tease you about it. My “uh” became “eh”. “Let’s take a picture” becomes “Let’s make a photo” and funnily enough.. even your sneezes change.. ‘achoo” is now “etciu”.

“didn’t you say you want to be like zia?”

I  then became reacquainted with my kitchen skills. When I moved here 6 years ago, I had to learn how to cook again. I was used to the American/Mexican style cooking and the easy convience of cake mixes and frosting. I was not at all used to fresh produce and making your own baby food. My Racheal Ray cook books collected dust while my suocera napolitana became my teacher. My Better Homes and Garden cookbook is falling apart since I now search for my cornbread recipe to make the stuffing for Thanksgiving dinner. Homemade baby food? HA! “e’ facile!” (the suocera’s answer for everything)

Little did I know that ever day I would slowly become an Italian mamma. Going to the market almost daily and only going to the same booths I learned that relationships are formed with complete strangers. I see the same people on the streets, playground, school and i feel like I know them yet I don’t know their names. Somehow I’ve become friends with my neighborhood Pharmacist, hair dresser and the SDA courier man… just like many Italian ladies.

This past year has definitely been the year to seal the deal. I received my Italian citizenship in February 2014. The rules of the house have changed. I must speak Italian to my husband on Sundays.  If I don’t, I owe him a Crostata which according to him are easy to make because.. “Mamma used to make one every Sunday and she had 2 kids.” Well…. this mamma has 3 so.. you’ll get your Crostata when I have time. (he’s still waiting! )- Of course this is all in fun but truth be told, I’m technically an Italian so therefore I should be able to make fruit salad, a crostata, 3 course meal and keep my kitchen spotless.. all while taking my girls to the playground and looking fierce in my outfit and heels! (hello 1950’s!)

So while I do acknowledge all of the above has slowly changed me to become more Italian, perhaps the biggest, baddest incident to have happen is what makes me cry.

I, Sonia aka A Texas mom in Torino, have been found GUILTY of making my girls put on a jacket/hoodie in late MAY.

May 26, 2015- lovely spring day… and she’s wearing a hoodie

IT’S FREAKIN’ MAY.. and I would put the girls’ jackets under the stroller “just in case” it got breezy and they needed them. What the heck happened to me!! I am a Texan.. we wear shorts in February! We DO NOT WEAR JACKETS IN MAY! The fact that I am now one of “those crazy Italian moms”  scares me a lot. I would make fun of those ladies. Just a few months ago, when the weather started to change from Winter to Spring. We’d go to the playground and while all the little children were bundled in hats/scarves, my girls just had their coats and that’s it. Now all of a sudden.. “Oh.. are you a little cold from that teeny tiny breeze? Here.. put a hoodie on.” Consider me a “real” Italian mamma now.




Someone bring me a Dr.Pepper… stat!


this post is written in collaboration with the group Blogging Piemonte. check out my fellow bloggers on their take of our theme for June: Authenticity in Piemonte. you can also follow along on twitter using the hashtag #BlogPiemonte  

(click on the titles below to go directly to their posts)


“That’s an Authentic Start!” by Eptrad

“Living Turin Style” by Turin Epicurean Capital

“Why I draw the line at using the word ‘Authentic'” by Turin Mamma

“Forced to Live Authentically in Piemonte” by The Entire Pizza

“Authentic Living in the Alta Langa” by Wine & Truffles

“How to become Authentically Piemontese in 5 easy steps” by Living in the Langhe

“Finding Authenticity as a Foreigner in Italy” by Simply Italiana

“Piemonte = Authenticity” by ItaliAnna

“Save yourself by saving the Planet: the real benefits of growing a garden” by Bailey Alexander


10 thoughts on “Authenticity: The evolution of this Texas mom to an Italian mamma

  1. Great post Sonia, you really hit the nail on the head and made me laugh too! What you said about your “uh” becoming “eh”… my family laughs at me when I make a weird expression that means “I don’t know” instead of talking.


      1. That’s the one I found hard to lose when coming back to France! All my travelling is changing my language and expressions!🇮🇹🇲🇽🇬🇧🇪🇸🇫🇷


  2. Or what about your “ow!” becoming “aia!” ?
    I have also noticed Italians walking around in 85° still with jeans and long sleeves. And you’d think Americans would be the ones to do that with our AC on full blast the whole time!
    Great post.


  3. I really enjoyed this! Sadly, I find myself doing much the same… boh, aia, in fact, even our dog now says bau bau! I haven’t fallen for dress our child in a puffer jacket and hat in anything below 20 degrees just yet, but I’ve noticed more and more warm clothes being packed whenever we head out, so I think the evolution is happening!


  4. Loved this post sooo much! Definitely can relate now that I am a mamma too. For as much as we think all this temp change and digestion stuff is all BS it is being ingrained somewhere in there! Fir now I am still a crazy mom like you who always lets nico go around barefoot. Thanks for such a fantastic post!


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